This modules contain some of the core classes used throughout the library, such as the Inputs class, a container for all inputs related to the physics of the problem, or the Obs class, which aggregate in one place features of observables (samples, mean, variance, covariance and so on). It also contains miscellaneous utility functions such as loggers, a datafile reader, directories creation etc.
Inputs class¶
This is a container for a number of inputs that must be specified in order to work with this library. Most functions do not accept the inputs separately, and the Inputs class must be passed to them, in order to reduce the number of arguments.
The following attributes are available:
- datapath
Path to the input data (correlator)
Type: str
- time_extent
Time extent of the lattice. If a datafile is red, this variable is inferred from the file.
Type: int
- num_samples
Sample size of the correlator. If a datafile is red, this variable is inferred from the file.
Type: int
- periodicity
String describing the periodicity in time of the correlator. Accepted values are “EXP” for open boundaries, “COSH” for periodic boundaries.
Type: str
- tmax
number of datapoints to be used. If not set, it will be inferred based on the values time_extent and periodicity. Note that the correlator at t=0 is excluded. For this reason, if periodicity == EXP,
tmax = time_extent-1
. If periodicity == COSH,tmax = int(time_extent/2)
.Type: int
- num_boot
Bootstrap samples. Relevant if you perform a bootstrap of the correlator within lsdensities.
Type: int
- sigma
Smearing radius of the kernel.
Type: float
- prec
Working numerical precision for mpmath.
Type: int.
- kerneltype
Smearing kernel. Implemented options are a Gaussian (with different normalisations) or a Cauchy Kernel. Accepted values are “FULLNORMGAUSS”, “HALFNORMGAUSS”, “CAUCHY”. The first is a Gaussian normalised over the full real axis, the second is normalised in [0, inf), the third is a Cauchy kernel.
Type: str
- loglevel
Level of verbosity, handled by the logging python library. Accepted values are WARNING (default), INFO (verbose).
- Na
Number of different values for the parameter alpha used to determine best value of lambda. Relevant if the user wants to work with InverseProblemWrapper. Accepted values are 1, 2 or 3.
Type: int
- emin
Smallest energy at which the smeared spectral density is computed. Relevant if the user wants to work with InverseProblemWrapper, which requires a set of energies. To use InverseProblemWrapper on a single energy, simply select emin`=`emax and Ne=1.
Type: float
- emax
Largest energy at which the smeared spectral density is computed. Relevant if the user wants to work with InverseProblemWrapper, which requires a set of energies. To use InverseProblemWrapper on a single energy, simply select emin`=`emax and Ne=1.
Type: float
- Ne
Number of energies at which the smeared spectral density is computed. Relevant if the user wants to work with InverseProblemWrapper, which requires a set of energies. To use InverseProblemWrapper on a single energy, simply select emin`=`emax and Ne=1.
Type: int
- A0cut
Smallest value of A[g]/A[0] accepted by InverseProblemWrapper during the search for the optimal value of lambda. Relevant if the user wants to work with InverseProblemWrapper.
Type: float
- outdir
Directory where all the output will be stored.
Type: str
- logpath
Subdirectory of outdir containing logs
Type: str
- plotpath
Subdirectory of outdir containing plots
Type: str
Examples usage¶
Inputs can defined manually
parameters = Inputs()
parameters.time_extent = 32
parameters.kerneltype = "FULLNORMGAUSS" # Kernel smearing spectral density
parameters.periodicity = "EXP" # EXP / COSH for open / periodic boundary conditions
parameters.sigma = 0.25 # smearing radius in given energy units
or via command line
par = parse_inputs()