The file contains the main class :ref:`InverseProblemWrapper <InverseProblemWrapper-label>` and a few auxiliary classes.
The optimisation process within InverseProblemWrapper seeks to obtain the smeared spectral density at different, decreasing values of lambda. Once a plateau is identified, meaning that subsequent values of lambda provide compatibles estimates for the smeared density, a value for lambda inside the plateau and the corresponding smeared spectral densities are pulled out, and identified as the result. As further check, the result is compared with a second value of lambda, looking for differences to add as systematic errors. The auxiliary AlgorithmParameters class encapsulates the parameters the control this scan over lambda. They instruct the class on what should be interpreted as a satisfying plateau, how many points in the plateau should be evaluated, where to perform the control for systematic error and so on.
Up to three different values of alpha can be used. If additional values are used, the algorithm will seek for a common plateau among different values of alpha. We remind that lambda and alpha refers to the variables entering the expression for the coefficients,
The matrix B is proportional to the covariance matrix of the correlator. Part of the proportionality factor is the norm (in the sense defined above, i.e. \(alpha\) and energy dependent) of the smearing kernel. This is pre-computed at all requested energies by the private class _NormaliseMeasure. The above equation amounts to solve a linear system,
The matrix \(\Sigma\) is also pre-computed by the SigmaMatrix class. The normalising facotr c is computed within the InverseProblemWrapper class, and the vector f can be found in lsdensities/
In the following we describe the auxiliary classes first, then InverseProblemWrapper.
class AlgorithmParameters¶
This auxiliary class contains the parameter that determine the search for the optimal value of lambda.
(float, optional): The first alpha value. Defaults to 0. Must be less than 2.
(float, optional): The second alpha value, distinct from alphaA. Defaults to 1/2. Must be less than 2.
(float, optional): The third alpha value, distinct from both alphaA and alphaB. Defaults to 1.99. Must be less than 2.
(float, optional): The starting value for the scan over lambda. Defaults to 50.
(float, optional): The step size for scanning over lambda. Defaults to 25. After one iteration, lambda is replaced by lambda - lambdaStep. If a negative value is hit, lambdaStep is rescaled. When lambdaMin is hit, the algorithm stops.
(int, optional): The number of subsequent compatible measurements required to stop the scan. Defaults to 6.
(int, optional): A plateau consists of subsequently compatible measurements. This parameter determines which of this values is taken as the solution. Defaults to 1, meaning that from a chain of compatible values, the first one (corresponding to the larger value of lambda) is chosen.
(float, optional): A factor used to estimate systematics by repeating the calculation at lambda = kfactor * lambda(reference). Defaults to 0.1.
(float, optional): The minimum value for lambda in the scan. Defaults to 1e-6.
(float, optional): Used to define compatibility between measurements. Measurements are considered compatible if they agree within comparisonRatio * uncertainty. Defaults to 0.4, meaning that values are considered compatible if they agree within “0.4 sigma”.
(int, optional): If lambda hits zero before reaching lambdaMin, the step size is resized. This allows the algorithm to sample values of lambda at different scales. Defaults to 4.With default parameters, the algorithm will scan the following values of lambda: 50, 25, 18.75, 6.25, 3.125, 1.5625, 0.78125, 0.390625, 0.1953125, 0.09765625, 0.048828125, and so on until lambdaMin is hit, or a plateau is identified.
Example usage
Here’s how you can initialize and use the AlgorithmParameters class:
from lsdensities import AlgorithmParameters
# Initialize the parameters for the scan
inverse_problem_parameters = AlgorithmParameters(
lambdaStep=lambdaMax / 2,
print(f"Lambda Max: {params.lambdaMax}")
print(f"Alpha A: {params.alphaA}")
print(f"Comparison Ratio: {params.comparisonRatio}")
class InverseProblemWrapper¶
Performs the scan over lambda, selects a solution, which is stored in internal variables together with other output values.
The class takes the following input parameters:
(Inputs): An instance of the Inputs class containing required parameters about the lattice.
(AlgorithmParameters): An instance of the AlgorithmParameters class containing the parameter for the selection of lambda
(MatrixBundle): Instance of the MatrixBoundle class, which contains the covariance matrix of the correlator and its normalisation factor.
(Obs): An instance of the Obs class which contains the measurements of the lattice correlators, together with other related features.
(np.array) Numpy array containing the energies, typicallynp.linspace(par.emin, par.emax, par.Ne)
The class has a large number of attributes. We report the most important ones that the user may need to access.
The class has the following methods:
- lambdaResultHLT
Array for which each entry is the optimal value of lambda obtained from the plateau search. Different entries correspond to different energies.
Type: np.float64
- rhoResultHLT
Array for which each entry is the smeared spectral density corresponding to the optimal value of lambda given by
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- drho_result
Array for which each entry is the statistical error on the smeared spectral density stored in
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- rho_sys_err_HLT
Array for which each entry is the systematic error on the smeared spectral density stored in
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- lambdaResultBayes
Array for which each entry is the optimal value of lambda obtained minimising the negative log likelihood (NLL). Different entries correspond to different energies.
Type: np.float64
- rhoResultBayes
Array for which each entry is the smeared spectral density corresponding to the optimal value of lambda given by
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- drho_bayes
Array for which each entry is the statistical error (sqrt of the width of the posterior distribution) on the smeared spectral density stored in
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- rho_sys_err_Bayes
Array for which each entry is the systematic error on the smeared spectral density stored in
. Different entries correspond to different energies.Type: np.float64
- gt_HLT
For each energy, a list containing the linear coefficients \(g_\tau\) generating the solution
. Its structure is[[] for _ in range(self.par.Ne)]
, meaning that it is effectively a 2D array, where one dimension runs over the data index (time) and the other labels different energies.Type: List of lists
- gt_Bayes
For each energy, a list containing the linear coefficients \(g_\tau\) generating the solution
. Its structure is[[] for _ in range(self.par.Ne)]
, meaning that it is effectively a 2D array, where one dimension runs over the data index (time) and the other labels different energies.Type: List of lists
The class features a number of methods. The main one that is intended to be accessed externally is This function performs the scan over lambda and selects the solution. A number of preparatory functions needs to be however called.
- fillEspaceMP ()
Fills internal variables containing the energies at which we requested to solve the inverse problem. Additionally fills a dictionary, so that the integer index can be accessed from the value of the energies.
This should be made private.
- prepareHLT ()
, computes and stores the \(\Sigma\) matrix and normalising factors.- run (savePlots=True, livePlots=False)
For each energy in
, it calls the methodself.scanParameters
which performs a scan over lambda and finds the best values, both frequentist and Bayesian. After this is done, it computes the systematic error by repeating the calculation at a different value of lambda, which was prescribed in theAlgorithmicParameters
class passed as an input. Finally, it prints various results in an output file. Depending on the boolean argument, it stores a number of plots in the output directory. livePlots will make the plots appear as the application is executed.
- orphan:
class SigmaMatrix¶
Class computing and storing elements of the matrix \(\Sigma\). If the periodicity is set to EXP, this corresponds to
If the periodicity is set to COSH, the expression is generalised appropriately.
The presence of a +2 is due to the fact that we do not use the correlator evaluated at \(t=0\). No additional shift is required.
The class takes the following parameters
The class has the following attributes
- par
The parameters passed as inputs
Type: Inputs class
- tmax
Simply par.tmax (redundant)
Type: int
- matrix
The matrix \(\Sigma\)
Type: mp.matrix(par.tmax, par.tmax)
The class has the following methods
- evaluate
Fills the entries of
. Does not return.
- orphan:
class _NormaliseMeasure (Private)¶
The _NormaliseMeasure class pre-evaluated part of the normalising facotrs required by the InverseProblemWrapper class. It is an array (one-dimensional matrix) of mpf numbers, one for each energy requested. Values can be accessed by using the integer index, or by exact energy value through a dictionary. The value computed is historically called \(A_0\)
The class takes the following parameters
The class has the following attributes
- valute_at_E
The matrix that stores the evaluated values of \(A_0\) for all energies in espace_mp.
Type: mpmath.matrix
- valute_at_E_dictionary
A dictionary where the keys are energy values and the values are the corresponding evaluated \(A_0\).
Type: dict
- is_filled
A flag that indicates whether the \(A_0\) values have been computed and stored.
Type: bool
- alphaMP
The multiple-precision value of alpha, which is used in the \(A_0\) evaluation.
Type: mpmath.mpf
- eminMP
The multiple-precision minimum energy used in the calculation.
Type: mpmath.mpf
- par
An instance of the Inputs class containing some required parameters.
Type: Inputs
The class has the following methods
- evaluate (espace_mp)
computes \(A_0\) for all energy values in espace_mp and assigns
self.is_filles = True
. Does not return.
- Parameters
(mpmath.matrix): A multi-precision matrix that contains the energy values at which \(A_0\) is evaluated.